Hai. so this is me with a new age. ehm 20 years old. Yes, me, finally getting to a year that people commonly said "adult". In this new age, i currently learn how to be more wiser, calmer, not galauwerss, an so on.
The moment i wrote this, i feel so asnmjgruiasnvtrad?!!?!0. Yet, i don't know what i feel hha
i just want to praise Allah more about the blessing i had.
By the way, this is Ramadhan :)
in the last first to second week, i did an acquintanceship in RSH Soeparwi Yogyakarta. well, people usually said magang or PKV (Pengenalan Keprofesian Veteriner). I learnt so many new things. Meanwhile, i'm getting to know many people. I met six doctor with different behaviour. i learnt how to talk with client, how to handle the patient, how to give drugs and the most interesting part was the surgery thing!
You know, i sometimes tremor, probably most of the time when i'm nervous. In the surgery room, i saw the doctor surged the dog patiently. They didn't get panicked eventhough the patient got bleeding. ya, actually they musn't! Since i'm a panicked person, i must train my self to not get panicked easily...... OKAY. it's called a CHALLENGE hha. Hence, i have to go trhough the challenge or i should find another option.
i reaalllyyy want to accelerate and become a doctor soon..! To have a clinic in my house and next to a kindergarden is my dream! hhe
I wish this ramadhan will not be my last Ramadhan though.
ehm, Our paper, me and my friend has been selected for presentation in Stuttgart. So, next September, i will go to Germany. Finally!!!
i wish i get many sponsorship so that i could go :)
If by any chance, you, readers have a link that can give a sponsorship, can you please send me a message to syabillarivenia@yahoo.com?
Thank you very much for your help :D
Okay people, just feel the wind and let the enjoy flow! Happy Fasting! Happy reward Party! Barakallah
S.R. 22 July 2013
suatu kala, bulan bertanya pada bintang.
tidak letihkah engkau memancarkan cahayamu sendiri?
bintang selanjutnya berkata:
aku tak kan pernah letih tuk bersinar. Jika aku redup, kau redup, kan?
selama aku bisa membuatmu bercahaya, bulan, lelah itu tidak ada dalam kamus kehidupanku.
Allah menjawab do'a hambanya baik secara langsung dikabulkan, tidak langsung dikabulkan atau dibelokkan menuju jawaban yang terbaik.
Halo! Assalamu'alaykum wr wb
saya kembali haha
kali ini dengan sesuatu yang telah membat saya jatuh cinta. saya belajar tapi ya belum mahir gitu deh.
saya suka banget banget gak pake bohong sama suara violin.
gara-gara itu jadi sering buka youtube dan liatin juhn curry ahn.
dia ganteng kayak artis korea lainnya, tapi dia bukan artis broh! dia kuliah di amerika tapi orang korea. selain wajahnya yang aduhai layaknya orang korea zaman sekarang lainnya, ada satu hal yang bikin saya jatuh cinta hampir gilak! yaitu............... suara violinnya!!!
ampun gak nahan, bagus banget....! ini yang paling saya suka.
soalnya ini ost dari film korea yang juga saya suka hha
saya mau deh ulang tahun dikasih hadiah jun sambil main violin :3
enjoy him *ehm* his violin, i mean
Assalamu'alaykum! halooow
tadi pagi aku ke kampus buat ikut acara I AM GIRLS (Good, Islamic, Respect, Lovely and Smart) yang diadakan oleh temen-temen Kemuslimahan KMMV.
Berikut sedikit ulasannya :)