Seputar Bandung


Ya allah, not only in Tangerang but also in Bandung! I hate the traffic jam so much!! your front, right, left, back, are full of cars and motorcycles! Why do people love to ride cars? Hmm well i know they must have their own reason and YES they MUST! Hahaa

as you know, i'm still in Bandung now. I want to buy a skirt but i didn't find the good one. Pgn nyari deh dimana ya nyari rok? Hmmm

today my dad learn about BT hahaa and he is so "NORAK" (in indonesia) he said "ih papa bt lah" hue? I just can laugh wkwk then my mom said "emang papa ngerti apa artinya bt?" so he said "ga tau abis si kk ngomongnya gitu trs sh" hahahahahahaaaaa :D

jaa mata~

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