Panik!! Panik!!


hai blog udah lama gak posting hahaa akhirnya ikut pelajaran ph lagi dan dapet pr banyak! ngerjain lks di buku UTANG lagi! wuaaaaa mana gambar lapangan aku blm selesai lagi aduh pusiiiingggg..

agenda acara minggu ini nih ya:
1. Lomba Isra' Mi'raj besok!
2. LDP hari minggu
3. Lat teater setiap hari
4. Agustusan tanggal 13

pr minggu ini:
1. B.Inggris gak jelas
2. B.Indonesia bkn daftar pustaka
3. Gambar Lapangan (msh 25 lagi)
4. PR mtk ngerjain lks di buku gede
dan msh byk lg yg lupa aku catet :P

tapi alhamdulillah temen2 waktu ditagihin uang LDP pada bayar.. kata ka puji "jadi bendahara itu harus galak, pelit, gak punya hati!" aduh aku kan baik ka hhee tp kata ely juga gitu biar anak2nya pada byk yg bayar sama biar surplus (amiin)

then.. it was almost 4.30 p.m and i had a bad feeling. i was looking for my wallet which contain money for LDP and TA-RAA i didn't saw my wallet! where is it? WHERE IS IT? OH MY i was so shocked and and and ohh i wanted to cry so much! then i called my friend -ririn- she said that she didn't see any wallet in school.. ooh i felt so terrible /completely down/.. i felt BLANK i didn't know what should i do. and i went back to my school and we were looking for it and we didn't find it.. Ya Allah ya rahman.. i felt totally shocked so i decided to pray, i realized that it was my fault, that i was not so careful that i was i was i was i was.. huhuuu ;(
after that i went to xi ips class and ririn said "bil, emang dompetnya ky apa? td sih gw liat tp kayaknya punya ka upi"and i said "pokoknya yang ada emblemnya rin" and then she went in a few second she came back and yell "biliiiil, yang ini bukaaaaan?"

ALHAMDULILLAAAAH ya allah ya rahman.. i love you so much innallaha ma ashabirin YES|^^|

first i would like to say alhamdulillah ya allah ya rahman ya rahim ^^
next i also would like to say syukron for Erie Putri Rachmadany, Fadin Darmawan, Sherly Prabandari, Ka Safti and Nadia Syahraniah

those people who helped me to be calm and also looked for my wallet though the one whom found it was ririn but hey thanks! if its not because of you guys i would probably cried too much hhee muac :*


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