Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh :)

it's been so looong since the last post :)
how are you? fine? yes? Alhamdulillah. well, mee toooo. i'm very very veryy well hhe
i just finished my UAS. umm, the score is quite good Alhamdulillah :D
next week is going to be a dag-dig-dug week! hhe
well, next week i'm going to have a National Exam. it will determine my future.
I believe i'll pass the test by both work and pray hard.
two weeks before, i did MABIT. it is a one night-event to pray together for the twelve grade of shs in my school.
my senior said "National Exam is not the only examination for us. it is just a little exam, unless the real exam that Allah SWT will give later to us"
so, we must not feel hopeless and give up easily because ,however,  
"Allah SWT will always with us"
Hamasah! Ma'an Najah ukhty :)

umm, what do you think about studying abroad?
i'm thinking about it right now.
i think it will be nice to have a lot of friends from all around the world.
it will also open my mind about the world.
Besides, it will train me to be more independent direct or indirectly.
i realize that i life only in a small part of the world.
i life just once in a life time,
should i just sit in my hometown and see everything goes right or wrong in my Indonesian thinking?
hmmm i'm curious, what will i see out there?
i worried about the society
what kind of friends will i have?
can i live without my parents?
come to think of it, i'm such a cry baby -__-"
but i do want to study abroad :)

Man Jadda wajadda!
Wassalamu'alaykum wr wb :)

Comments (2)

You should dear.. This world is too amazing! Really interesting thing to try, especially for veterinarian more people need y'all here rather than in Indo hehe :p