Be the new YOU!


First thing first, Find out about yourself!! what's your habbit, is it good or bad? are you a serious person? what's your ambition? what's your best priority? what do tou want for your future? how will you reach it? are you a sanguinis, melancholi, choleris, or pleghmatis? what's your hobby? and something like that.

Then, try to do the best. show your self!! tell the world that you are different than others!! you are unique! nobody can become YOU! and YOU cant become anybody. and you have to cutdown your bad habbit. when you are getting older, it means MORE responsibility that you have to take!

Next, think about others! your family should be the number 1. your friends, people around you! take the risk! don't get too easy to give up. always think positive and take the positive things from all situation, whatever it is! ahh.. it SURE is the hardest part ever!! and also try not to be a procaeastinater!~

And also you can, create your own world! it's a place where anyone become your best friends and they would never ever talk to anyone else and sometimes they give you an advice. You can also become yourself. insane YES. But, in that world you can find a place to relax after you are soooo busy. well, it's a perfect world for you deh! hha it's better than not having anyone to share about your problem at all.

ok, segitu dulu deh sbnrnya msh byk yg udah ada di fikiran tp sedang tidak bisa dicurahkan nih entah kenapa hahaa. tau gak masa ya temen ku ada yang gak percaya kalau itu semua di atas aku yang buat. memang sih saya menemukan inspirasi ketika mengikuti kuis2 tentang kepribadian dan beberapa artikel di om gugel dan juga ada motivasi2 dari teman2 yg saya simpulkan seperti itu :D katanya begini:
teman: "ini buatan kamu bil?"
aku: "iyaaa"
teman: "ah aku gak percaya"
aku: "iihh jahaaaaat banget sih wooooo"
hahahahaa entahlah tiba2 ide2 BE THE NEW YOU itu datang begitu saja. well, memang hal ini toh diperlukan kan? walaupun b.inggris saya msh acak kadut hiyahahahaa but, better try than never kan?

konbanwa minna :D

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