IEC's Homework

Task 7. Writing
D. Write a paragraph about either your most positive or your most negative quality. Make sure your paragraph has only one main idea.

well, i choose my most positive quality.

I think my positive quality is that i love to have a lot of friends. i used to be very shy and have a number of friends. As time flew, i enjoy talking and it makes me being talkative. so, i try to make a lot of friends! i don't mind having a senior or junior as my friends. and i love to have a different school, culture, or even friends from different country! i am more outgoing now and i enjoy making a joke eventhough its about me. it helps me a lot to make new friends and i think that i've grown up step by step by having more and more friends because sometimes i learn from them about the positive and negative things about life. you also can share about everything with your friends and i love doing some crazy things with my friends such as taking picture with an ugly expression or making a lipsynch video clip hahaa it REALLY is fun and i enjoy it :D

and because i did my homework, i got 5 dollar! ohh i couldn't imagine why but i feel so gratefull hhaa. i have 9 dollar now! and i need another 41 dollar so i can follow the exam later.. i need dollar more and moooooooreee.. hey, anybody want to give me some, free? hahaaa outta my mind :P oh come on, don't give up easily bil! regain your strength and your power of WILL!!

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