
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim now i'll start to write in english though my english is still terrible but i'll try!! Hahaa

first thing first i'd love to say alhamdulillaaah .. Thanks to my one and only god, ALLAH SWT only with my god's bless that i can replace my blog template! Since some days i've tried to find the good template one and now i have found the good site and geez! They are so cute! Kawai ne~

Hahaa and the 2nd big thanks is for my beloved chairmate in 9th grade jhs which showed me the way to replace it hahaa! I love you so much PUSPITA SUCI RAMADHYANI hahaa..

Well that's all.
But actually i am waiting for a short message service from someone though i know already it would never come hahaa

ok then the night's getting late (00.04)
ohh! Gotta call it morning now!

bye. Good night. Have a nice dream. Oyasuminasai :D

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