Independence's day of Indonesia


Alhamdulillah yesterday was my country's birthday. It's 64 now. It was the first time i felt so lazy to celebrate it. Do you know why? *NOO * hahaa idk too :p maybe because there weren't any competition around my house. It seemed that the independence day is so unimportant isn't it?

well friends in this happy atmosphere i'd like to share about my opinion about this day..

1. Everybody celebrated it!! Right? Actually BIG NO. What do you think about the poor and famine family? Did they happy? They just felt the same like the other day. Or maybe they don't care? And not only them. What about the workers? Did they celebrate it too? Some of them are YES but it only because it's a MUST..
And the student? hahA to be honest, idk why didn't i feel like so many years before! I didn't follow any compete, and i was so lazy and just end up in my relaxing bed and SLEEP hA! I really am disappointing am i?

hhaah i'm truely sorry indonesia..

Everybody are so proud this day.. They said Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! And sang "hari kemerdekaan" song. But i thought something. I can't be really proud because i haven't doing something for you.. My indonesia. I felt very poor.. I've been living in your land for 16 years but what i did to you was only make you hurt.

hhaah i'm truely sorry indonesia..

3. I wish that when i am older, i'll be the best that i can! I want to let the whole world know about you! About your language! Your culture! Your land! Your volcano mountain! Your sea! And your people! To be spesific, i want to be a veterenarian.. It's a doctor for animal. I want to tell the world that indonesian also can! Indonesian can protect their unique animal! So, they'll existed till the unknown time! Yeaaa!! Amiiin ya Allah ^^

wish me luck indonesia.. I love you.. More and more and i should love you..
I wish you could be the best country ever.

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