New Happy Family

 Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 

Now, Let me introduce my precious KUMO CHAN :

She is a girl. Her birthday? To be honest i really don't know hhe. Nevertheless this is her first time came to my house 29-04-2009. Beautiful isn't she? so i took her picture. day after day, time passed away i'll keep on searching but i can't find (errrgh? singing? hha), my beloved DONDON died (27th October 2009). i was so sad, sometimes i cried when i remembered him ;( 

And one day, kumo back. can't remember when exactly, but i was a li'l bit happy cause i tought i would 've have a new friend like ndon, but kumo was different. Yes, Kumo was really different, actually it is a girl. And you know? just see this pict:
can you see the differences between this picture and the first?

Yea! You are right! Kumo was pregnant!

Well, actually yesterday i want to post about something. yeah i was so sad before and again you know that "Sesudah Kesulitan ada Kemudahan dan sesudah kesulitan ada kemudahan" i really believe that and of course it works ^^
i was so sleepy and that's why i didn't post my sad story that night. Phew Thank goodness Alhamdulillah ^^

Today, in the morning

brother: "denger suara kucing ga ma?"
mother: "iya ada dimana ya? aduh jangan jangan anaknya si kucing lagi"
me: "mana mana? di bawah kursi kali, coba nan tolong geserin kursinya"
brother: (geser kursi)
me: (clingak clinguk)
kumo chan masuk rumah sambil gigit anaknya 
me: "HAHAHA beneran ini mah waah si kumo punya anak" (happy) 
meaww meaww
me: (clingak clinguk) "WAHAHAHAA itu anaknya ada lagi!!!!! ma ada kardus gak ma?" (getting happier)
mother: "nih, bawa keluar!!"

hahhahaa see this, KUMO and her children (unnamed)

  As you can see, we tought that Kumo chan just have 2 child but then.....

bibi: "itu si kucing anaknya banyak bil, ada diatas, dikardus yang dibawah kursi"
me: "HAH? emang iya bu? perasaan anaknya cuma dua"
bibi: "iya, coba aja liat diatas"
me: (kucluk kucluk, clingak clinguk, eh ada papa) "pa, denger suara ucing ga?"
father: "gak kok"
me: (report) "si kucing punya anak loh pa!! terus kata si bibi masih ada lagi anaknya, kaka cari dulu ya!"
minutes passed there wasn't any cat's voices.


me: "WAHAHAHA (saying inside: I FOUND YOU! then laughed loudly)"

and i picked it up

see? wonderful isn't it? kyaaaaaaaaa kawai desu ne!!

hehehee i'm getting happier than ever xp then i gave it to her mom (enjoy the picts ^^)

kumo and her children 1


kumo and her children 2

kumo chan's children
kumo chan's children

They do look alike their mother don't they?
hhe i love them all, also KUMO chan!
wish i can take care all of you guys
see you ^^

Wassalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Syabilla Rivenia 

Comments (2)


hehehehehee iya dong kayak aku kan lucu hahahaa