

akhirnya nulis nulis lagi, lg males sih sebenernya XP

Friday, 18th Dec 2009 ; 17:39 WIB
Gwyn -as the president of FOSCA- sent a sms to us -SMAN-1-Tangerang-Students-Which-the-member-of-KIR- and he asked us to come to the planetarium to discuss about fosca's programs next year.

Saturday, 19th Dec 2009 ; in the morning ;
Oh i woke up late so i didn't go to school with my dad besides it's too morning to go to school (6 am) and i decided to tidy my room up! it was so messy there. It was around 9 am when i went to school. Actually i want to show something to sheilla but unfortunately she didn't come to school so i just watched futsal  and then suddenly i remembered that i want to study chemistry with ka cicha so i went to her class and  found that she wasn't there. then i asked my seniors "where is she?" and they said "maybe she is at the canteen" so i went straightly to the canteen. and there i met her. and so we studied chemistry about laju reaksi and kesetimbangan. after a while she asked me to continue on her class and i agreed but i prayed first. after i prayed, i went to her class and -you know what- thanks to bang Arnoldy Syahputra and ka Niken who locked me inside their class. untung ada rubik jadi aku main rubik aja deh sampe mereka bosen dan akhirnya ngebukain pintu kelasnya xp
actually i wanted to continue study but it was very hot that i can't concentrate well hha so i just played rubiks in front of their class while waiting for whildan to come. 

then, whildan and me went to the planetarium.
we went there by busway as usual. we stopped at the kwitang halte then we continued by bajaj. we arrived at planetarium around 3 pm then gwyn talked about fosca's next year programs. i met a lot of new friends here such as Lita as the chief in Fosca Magazine, Adly as the chief of Parkir (Pengenalan Aktifitas dan Riset KIR), Rosa Ketua KIR 59 jkt, ketua kir sman 31 jkt, dan masih banyak lagi.
and i also talked a lot about Alqur'an which is very scientific with Mr HM. Djuhana Widjajakusumah oh yes he is a genius. he said about the first thing which we must have to make a new life is 'water' oh yes indeed Al-qur'an of course told it but i don't remember juz surat dan ayatnya.
and also he said another greatest thing about the Scientific Al-qur'an is Allah swt menciptakan sesuatu secara berpasang-pasangan. berpasang-pasangan itu bukan berarti selalu laki-laki - perempuan loh, tapi juga siang-malam, gelap-terang, panas-dingin, atas-bawah, kanan-kiri, dsb. Subhanallah. tp sekali lagi lupa juz surat dan ayat berapa aduh payah nih ;(
mantap gan halah hahaa
nah, after that there was the last routin meeting from HAAJ. after that, break for shalat maghrib and then adly introduced himself and talked about PARKIR. around 7.30 pm, whildan and i went home. we went to Tangerang by metromini 17 and then we continued by busway from senen. and alhamdulillah there weren't any queued. 

and another you-know-what
waktu turun dari angkot kan aku cuma berdua sama whildan eh pas masuk mobil terjadilah suatu percakapan antara saya dan mama saya.

mama: "kak, itu pacar kaka ya?"
aku: "hah? bukanlah ma!!!"
mama: "kok perginya cuma berdua?"
aku: "iya soalnya yg lain lagi pada gak bisa ikut"

dikira pacarnya whildan deh.. heeeeeekk aku sukanya sama orang lain mamaaah hahaha curhat 



Syabilla Rivenia

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