Year 12 of Senior High School, Ramadhan :D

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb :)
Konbanwa minna-san!!!! Aaaah i miss sharing a post with you~
I haven't finish the draft about PIRN yet because i have nooooooo time to write, i don't have free time! well, honestly i have but i used my time to take a rest. Now i am a year 12 of Senior high school. I feel so happy but nervous.
I somewhat think that "i'm a year 12 now!! wow really? i thought two days ago was just MBSS and the next day i became the Secretary of ROHIS One and now i'm the year 12 of Senior high school." 
I've never imagine that this year would come so fast. Well, i now that i should've been studied hard when i was in year 11 of Senior high school so i can just reviewing and studying for the last grade.. hhe
but i chose the other way by joined the activity outside school so i couldn't focused to my study. I thought it's not a bad idea then because Alhamdulillah i got some award from my activities soooo i need to try the hardest to study now! Nevertheless sometimes i felt so tired because i'm not get used to it hhe
The best thing i must do now is to study as much as i can, i can't complain to anyone because this is the life i choose except to my God, Allah SWT. God is the best place to share anything, because Allah SWT is the Best Listener (Maha Mendengar).

Anyway, now is the first day of Ramadhan!! Happy Fasting all :D
i wish we can achieve our target this month and we can reborn as a new person next month.. I do believe that we can erase our sins if we truly close ourself to God and not to do the bad thing, in the other hand do the good thing as much as we can. Don't forget to pray and read our Holly Quran because the hadits said "Read one ayat of the Holly Quran in Ramadhan is the same as you fully finish read it." Imagine how many times we can finish read Al-Quran in a month? Besides Ramadhan is the "month's of gift for us" do you know why? because Allah close all the hell's door and open widely the door to Heaven... So let us make a lot of prayer in order to get forgiveness from Allah SWT and become a new person with new pure heart later :)
Amiiin ya Allah ya Ghafur ya Rabbal 'Alamin

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Syabilla Rivenia

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