The flower i like the most :D

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb 

Ohayou gozaimasu :D
i want to tell you about the flower i like the most :)

it is the SUN FLOWER

why do i like them?

Because they are yellow, bright, and cheerful
i want to be like them
a bright and cheerful person who will always shines your day and makes everybody happy
but sometimes they do look lonely
same with me, i sometimes feel that i'm all alone with no one cares
but still they encourage others to keep smiling with their bright colors

but then a butterfly come and said 
"don't worry, don't be sad, i'll come everyday and accompany you"
it is you, my friends, my very very best friends :)

so the sun flower will always smile
and bring happines to everyone, everytime, everywhere
i you, thanks for being my friends

Besides, a sun flower is a unique flower
it keeps following the sun's move
from it's rise till it's set
from the dawn until twilight
me also, keep on believing that there's a power
the most powerful power that i should follow
GOD, Allah S.W.T
i'll keep following him from my born till my death
from my very first breath until the last

that's why i sun flower, hhe :D
let's shines as bright as the sun flower!!!

oh, i found this quote this morning 

"Aku tidak akan sanggup mengubah yang telah berlalu sebagaimana aku tidak bisa mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi besok. Lalu, mengapa aku harus meyesal dan terus gelisah?"

Syabilla Rivenia

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