study tour to BANDUNG!

Study Tour to Bandung

On 25th of March 2009, I went to Bandung. I went there with my friends and my teachers in 1 Senior High School. We went there with 5 bus, I got the 1th bus and there were mam riny and bu yatimah. I guess they were happy because they got the same bus as me! Yeaa. I sat with Paramita Deniswara also known as mitong. We went to Bandung at 7 o’ clock in the morning. There were two tour guide four the 1st bus, their name are ka Oka and ka Amel. They both are beautiful. Our bus stopped at the gas stop because there were a lot of student that want to go to the toilet. Inside the bus in the way to bandung after we stayed over at the gas stop, our tour leader (ka amel) sat next to syukur and she started ask us to sang song. First, we were shy to sang even a song! But then, one of my friends said “ka ameel dangdut remix doong” then she said: “okee dicariin dulu ya lagunya nanti awas loh harus nyanyi yaa”. After the dangdut remix was playing there were none of us which sang that song! But then syukur who sat next to ka amel, he started to sang that song. And taa-raa the next song was kucing garong!! Brekele! Hahaa Some of us started to sing nanananananaa.. after that the song was missedcall. The song was so funny! So i followed it together with mitong and finally my friends oppened their mouth and sang! Wow! The lyrics of the song was: “miskol lagi miskol lagi lagi lagi miskool, ngomoong doooongg aaabaaaaaaang” hahaa so funny isn’t it? After that song, we sang the balesan sms, and so on.

We arrived in Bandung at 11 a.m, but we weren’t arrived at the ciwidey yet! We have to go trough soreang and I can saw my aunt’s and uncle’s house from the street in soreang to ciwidey. At 12 o clock, we arrived in Rancabali tea factory. I smell the scent of the tea but, I don’t really like it though. The scent of the tea was like a pacar’s leaf. The weather was colder than in Tangerang. Before we can saw the proccess to make tea, the leader told us some rules, and we may took a glass of the walini tea. The tea didn’t have a good taste though. Maybe because there were no sugar in it? Yeaa dunno X( i just love the makassar tea most. The te factory guide named mr. kiki. He was very kind to us. He explained the proccessed to make the tea from the first step untill the last step. After we visited the tea factory, we, fourtress student or also known as x-4 took some picture with our beloved teacher, mama dedeh. Then, our tour leader said that we heve to ate the kfc’s box which have prepared in our bus chair’s and we must back to the bus at 2 p.m to go to kawah putih. So, mitong, erie, siti, and me looked for a place to eat. After that, we prayed. And we made it in time! Yeaa! The bus almost leaved us! Hahaa.

Where were ka oka? She left us and changed into a man named ka julianto! Hahaa. I can’t stand the weather in kawah putih, it sure is cold! Even though I’ve wore jacket but it’s still cold. I can even made a steam from my mouth! Hahaa. To go to the real location of kawah putih, we must drove a small car. Ibu2 pkkwati x-4 and i were in the same car. Epi, as known as nadya, didn’t have a place to sit, so she sat in the floor of the car and saw the back scene. The way was so kewl (read: cool) we faced the uphill road. Woooooo.. the driver drove really fast. It’s like riding a roller coaster! Hahaa. We saw some car went downhill through our car, and then we said “dadaaaaaahh” to them kyaaa. Before we arrived at the kawah putih, there were rainy a bit. So we continue our journey on foot with umbrella. It was really unexpected! Suddenly there were heavy rain came. Oh man, I can’t take any picture then. But, I was slashing and asked for my friend’s help to get my picture. After we felt satisfied of taking our picture, we went back downhill but, some of us were wet because of the rain! And then my friends bought training, jacket and so on. After we arrived in downhill, we changed our clothes in the bus! The boy was so pity hahaa sorry XP. Then there were my friends who bought noodles, meatball, siomay, etc to heated up our body. And I also bought a bowl of meat ball.

From kawah putih, we continued our journey to the ampera restautant. In the bus, mitong and I sang a lot of song, first was the st12 song, then we sang some weird song. And then our friends followed us to sing! Yeeaay the bus became soo noisy. The next song was changcuters, “I love you bibeh” and one of my friends changed the lyrics and yell: “jadeee loove wiwiik..” hahaa and the afterwards song lyric’s always changed into jade and wiwik. At 6 a.m we arrived in ampera restaurant. Before we ate, we prayed maghrib. After prayed I went to the toilet and there were a looongg queued. And my friends gaby came and she said she wanted to go quickly to the toilet because she had been wanted to pi since 4 30 a.m while we went to ampera from kawah putih. After that, ibu2 pkkwati and I took a plate including liwet rice, chicken, and tempe. The sambal was very hoot! The food was reaaally delicious.. pamparamm I’m lovin it hahaa.

Next to the ampera restaurant, there were a little shop which sold clothes and handkerchiefes. Mam riny bought a looooot of things from here hehee sorry mam XD after that, we went to cibaduyut. We arrived there at 7.50 p.m. then, ka julianto told us that we must back to bus at 8.30 p.m. ibuibu pkkwati went together, we bought some clothes which written BANDUNG and something like that. Then, we looked for sandals for me, erie, and hessty but we didn’t get the sandals. Then, me and ncim or usually called nur’aini went together to see some clothes and jacket or sweater while the others bought brownies amanda. After that, I asked ncim to wait for me because i wanted to buy dodol and sale pisang for my family. Then, we went to the bus. In the bus, mitong and kemi sat in the same chair so, i must sat with syifa. We went to Tangerang at 9 p.m from bandung. In the way, I slept because I was really tired. And we arrived in Tangerang at 11.30 p.m. I was really tired but happy that day, because there were a lot of happiness that happened and it was really excited!! Even though there were rain but it’s still fun XD

Name : Syabilla Rivenia / 35
Class : x-4

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